
protocol on combined transport on inland waterways to the european agreement on important international combined transport lines and related installations of 1991 معنى

  • البروتوكول المتعلق بالنقل المختلط على الطرق المائية الداخلية للاتفاق الأوروبي بشأن الخطوط الدولية الهامة للنقل المختلط والمنشآت المتصلة بها لعام 1991

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. protocol officer معنى
  2. protocol on a ceasefire and withdrawal of formations معنى
  3. protocol on arbitration clauses معنى
  4. protocol on biological diversity and establishment of specially protected areas معنى
  5. protocol on civil liability and compensation for damage caused by the transboundary effects of industrial accidents on transboundary waters معنى
  6. protocol on economic relations معنى
  7. protocol on environmental protection to the antarctic treaty معنى
  8. protocol on explosive remnants of war معنى
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